10 Natural Herbs For a Colon Cleanse That Could Change Your Life

on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

If you practice the wrong eating habits, there is an increased possibility that your colon will not be able to function optimally due to being clogged up!

With the colon clogged, toxins will accumulate in the bloodstream preventing nutrient absorption. Colon cleansing is necessary in order to remove the clogging and for this reason, taking herbs for colon cleansing purposes is considered to be beneficial to one's health.

When Should You Cleanse Your Colon?

If you experience any of the following, it could mean that your colon already needs to be cleansed, and please consult with someone qualified before trying:

o Headache
o Tiredness
o Depression
o Irritability
o Indigestion
o Water retention
o Skin problems
o Bad breath
o Insomnia
o Excessive Gas

10 Natural Herbs That Could Improve Your Life

You will be delighted to know that there is currently a large selection of herbs you can choose from if you considering colon cleansing. Here are the 10 top choices:

Psyllium Husk - contains fiber and allows for the strengthening of your intestines.
Flax seed - reduces inflammation and nourishes cell the membranes.
Fennel seed - freshens your breath, improves digestion, relieves abdominal pain and reduces gas.
Aloe Vera - considered to be a natural laxative; relieves constipation and bowel irritation.
Dandelion - cleanses the blood, stimulates bile flow, reduces eczema and supports liver function.
Ginger - strengthens your digestive tract and revitalizes your glands and muscles.
Ginseng - reduces fatigue and detoxifies the entire body.
Green tea - detoxifies your system with its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Red clover- relaxes the lining of the digestive muscles, rids bloodstream of toxins, suppresses appetite and protects from you bacterial infection.
Rhubarb root - prevents constipation.

By incorporating these herbs in your diet, you will be able to kickstart your way to a healthier and happier life!


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