Natural Herbs for Depression - Beneficial Extracts of Natural Herbs for Depression

on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Natural implies that there is nothing artificial, no additives, and no preservatives. It implies that the product is pure or at least the purest that can be had. In order to get the highest quality herbs and herbal supplements only standardized herbal extracts are used. The reason for this is that the most active ingredients of the herbs are found in the extracts.

Before getting into the herbs themselves, there is a word of caution that you need to be made aware of. Herbs are natural, they are effective, and they are safe. Their safety of use is true to a certain degree. Herbal supplements are as much a medication as pharmaceutical medications. Therefore, before using them consult with your doctor and make sure s/he knows every medication you are taking - even the over the counter ones.

It is possible that the supplements could cause negative interactions or intensify the results. Let me explain. If you are taking Diabetic medication and you begin to use Biotin which is actually a vitamin/ mineral and known for its ability to lower blood sugar levels; your glucose levels could drop too far and cause problems.

Some of the natural herbs for depression include Ginkgo Biloba, Milk Thistle and Siberian Ginseng. Each one of these herbal extracts has their own uses.

Let's take a brief look at each one.

Ginkgo Biloba is known to aid in increasing oxygen to the brain and body tissues. It helps to increase mental clarity, alertness, and short term memory. It may also increase the blood flow to the brain as well as the levels of adenosine tri-phosphates and reduce free radicals. It is also known to aid depression.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) is known to protect the liver. It is said to relieve chronic liver disease and chronic hepatitis. It may also play a role in the prevention of cancer.

Siberian Ginseng stimulates the immune system. It is used in the treatment of Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is also a general stimulant. Siberian Ginseng is another natural herb for depression. It increases mental endurance, memory, attention, and boosts your mood.

These natural herbs for depression work either alone or in a supplement very effectively. There are little to no side effects but you should check with your doctor and/or pharmacist to be sure that they will not interfere with other medications you may already be , as their efficacy can be compromised.

The best natural herbs, herbal supplements, and nutritional supplements are those considered to be of pharmaceutical grade. The pathways of each ingredient will have been examined at the molecular level, and the interactions of the ingredients tested and monitored.

Depression is a horrible 'disease' to cope with not just because of the stigma it has but because so few seek adequate help when they need it most. The concept that the sufferer can control his/her depression is false. It can strike at any time and it can strike multiple times in a life-time. The perception of what Depression is AND what aren't needs to change.


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